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Growlr for pc

Download GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for PCGROWLr: Gay Bears Near You is one of the topmost apps in Social category. It is available for free on the Google play store to download on your Android smartphone. If you want to Download GROWLr for Windows or Mac Laptop, follow the simple steps mentioned in this article. We cover the details about the app and step by step process to GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You App Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 & Mac laptop.

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GROWLr has got great reviews and rating points on the Google play store. It is currently in the Editor’s Choice section of the play store. But the only drawback is GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You is available for only mobile platforms. The official desktop version is not yet introduced by the developers. If you wanted to download this app right to your Windows or Mac laptop, you need to install any of the Android emulator first. These emulators allow us to run android apps on your laptop.

There are many Android emulators available on the internet. In this article, we will introduce you to one of the best and the most popular emulator, Bluestacks. Let’s go through the GROWLr app specifications and then the step by step guide on how to Download and Install GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for PC Windows 10/8/7 & Mac laptop.

GROWLr is thrilled to show our Pride in June and throughout the year, but our members are who make GROWLr GROWLr, and we wanted to give them a platform to show THEIR pride. So far the response has been overwhelming! We have a fabulous and incredibly proud community and the diversity and joy is on full display in the entries we’ve seen!!

GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for PC – Specifications:

  • GROWLr is the complete social networking app for gay bears. With over 8,000,000 GROWLr members, you can view profiles from around the world or right in your own neighborhood. Send and receive private messages, pictures, or voice memos. Complete and up-to-date bear run and bear bar listings. Checkin features, notes and more.
  • Jan 20, 2021 Yes, the Growlr app is legit. Users can also open their accounts using the Growlr website, which makes it very easy to use. It is probably the perfect app for gay men. So far, no solid negative Growlr reviews have been found, which would prove that this app is a scam. In the US alone, this app is present in the top 5 dating apps for gay men.
TitleGROWLr for PC
File size32M
RequirementsWindows/Mac Laptop, Bluestacks
DeveloperInitech LLC.
App Rating3.1 / 5.0

GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You is developed by Initech LLC. It has clean and easy to navigate UI. Here is the download link for GROWLr app for Android smartphone if you have not installed already –
[appbox googleplay com.initechapps.growlr]

Download GROWLr for PC (Windows & Mac) –

GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You is available on both Windows and Mac platforms. Even though the official desktop version not available, we can still download and enjoy the app on the laptop using Bluestacks. So without much ado, let’s jump into the step by step guide to Download GROWLr for PC on Windows and macOS Laptop.

GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for PC – Windows 10/8/7:

  • Download Bluestacks Emulator on your Windows 10/8/7 Laptop. Download link – Bluestacks for Windows
  • Once downloaded, Install Bluestacks software and open it. Proceed with all the default settings for installation.
  • Bluestacks asks you to login with your Google account for the first time to access Google play store. Sign-up to create a new Google account if you don’t have it already.
  • Open the Play store app from the Bluestacks home screen and search for GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You to download it on your PC.
  • Find the correct app by Initech LLC developer and tap on the install button to Download GROWLr for PC.
  • Once GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You app is installed, you can find it on the All Apps on Bluestacks. Simply click on the GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for the PC app icon to launch and use it the same way you use GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You on your Android mobile.

GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for PC – Mac:

Bluestacks is available for the Mac platform as well. You can follow similar steps to Download and Install GROWLr for Mac.

  • First Download Bluestacks app player for macOS. Here is the download link – Bluestacks for Mac
  • Locate the downloaded .dmg file on the Finder and double click on it to begin the installation. Bluestacks takes 2-3 minutes to install on your Mac. Open the Bluestacks once it installed.
  • Log in with your existing Google account to access the Playstore apps.
  • You can find the Google Playstore app on the home screen to get the apps or alternatively you can also search for GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You app right from Bluestacks app right side search bar.
  • Search for the GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for Mac and click on the install button to kickstart the installation of GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for PC.

Once you have done with all the steps, GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for Mac will be ready to use. If you still have any queries, follow the steps mentioned in the below video.

FAQs – GROWLr for PC:

Q. Can I get all the features of GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You when I download it using Bluestacks?

A. Yes. When you download and install the app – GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You for PC using Bluestacks, you will get all the features and interface similar to Android app.

Q. Are these Android emulators safe to use?

A. There are numerous emulator applications available on the internet. Especially, popular Android emulators like Bluestacks, Nox Player, KO player, Memu Play, etc, are trusted by millions of users and gamers across the world. Top tech companies like Samsung, Intel, Citrix, Qualcomm etc, are invested in Bluestcks. It is absolutely safe to download and use on your laptop. Refer to this article for more details – Is Bluestacks Safe to Use on your Windows or Mac?

Growlr website template

Q. Can I play games like PUBG, Subway surfers, Mini Militia, etc. with Bluestacks?

A. Yes. When you install Bluestacks, not only GROWLr for Laptop, you can enjoy any of your favorite android app on Windows or Mac systems.

Q. How will be the gaming experience with Bluestacks?

Bluestacks is 6X faster than any mobile phone on earth. Yes, you read that right. Play high-end games like PUBG, NFS, etc. on your laptop using Bluestacks without any hassle.

GROWLr for PC – Conclusion:

We have presented a detailed guide to Download and Install GROWLr: Gay Bears Near You app for Windows 10/8/7 and Mac laptop. Install the app on your laptop right now and enjoy the app features right from your PC. If you ever wanted to use apps that are available on for mobile platforms, Android emulators are very useful.
I’m concluding this article on GROWLr for PC with this. If you have any issues installing GROWLr on your PC, let us know through comments. Thanks!

Growlr Desktop

If you want to know where the Bears are, they’re here. Even the stars of that popular gay web series say they are fans. Coly Cummiskey, a resident of Columbus, Ohio, who describes himself as a “very out” bear, created this ursine app almost three years ago.

It’s clear from the profiles on this app that guys who define themselves as Bears come in many varieties, but generally they are hairy and, when shirtless, more likely to show a beer belly than a six-pack. Bears are not the most popular crowd in West Hollywood (see the count on Grindr above). In fact, only 148 showed up within a 4.6 mile range of our researcher’s West Hollywood apartment on a recent morning. That may also reflect the fact that, unlike Grindr and Scruff, GROWLr only shows guys who are actually on the app when you search, and our researcher is up and working earlier than most lazy Bears.

GROWLr lets you send any messages, include 19 pre-programmed ones, some of which are likely counter-productive. Think about it! If someone responds to a GROWLr stock message like “if you were a booger I’d pick you first” or “my love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in,” he probably is institutionalized and unavailable for coffee. And if you were to send such a message, perhaps you should check your health insurance policy for psychotherapy coverage. Luckily the app also offers more standard words and phrases like “Woof!,” “Grr,” “Thanks bud” and “You’re hot!”

GROWLr, like Scruff, offers a search-by-location option so the cubs in West Hollywood can see what the bears are up to in Silver Lake or even Boise, Idaho, for that matter. It also offers the longest list of profile search criteria. In addition to looking for someone by height and weight, you can search for someone who identifies himself as HIV positive. The relationship search options include “widowed” and “triad.” The “types” search includes 15 options, one of which is Trucker and another of which is Sugar Daddy, for those cubs looking to pay off a college loan.

Growlr Website Maker

GROWLr allows you to post two “private” photos that you can unlock for selected viewers. Its $3.99-a-month premium subscription gives you more options, including access to a number of “galleries” that include photos of the most popular guys on the site, the newest guys on the site, those you’ve unlocked your photo gallery for and those it has deemed, in some mysterious way, to be your matches. It also gives you the option, with one click, to lock all previously unlocked private photos in the event that you’ve decided to run for public office.

Finally, GROWLr offers two other unique services. One is the ability to blog. You can look at a guy’s blog posts by clicking on Blog in his profile. The other is a chance to sell your “services” or promote an event with a shout-out to everyone within a five-mile radius for $4.99.


Don’t miss our gay app overview:


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